On the subject of what you get for your money, that which can be directly attributable to a single member:
Third Party Liability Insurance £2.10
Membership card approximately £1.00
That's £3.10 then.
Less attributable costs are:
Proportion of National Membership, £25 divided by number of Members (30 at present so about 84p - this will obviously change in time)
Newsletter (free for most as sent online but members without internet access get printed/posted copies - about £1 per member per year)
Postage, packing and printing for membership pack (again less for some as some is sent online and many collect ID cards etc at the monthly meet about £1 per member)
Cost of running our website about £2.99 and Domain name purchase about 27p
So that looks like £9.20.
So it looks like we are making a surplus of 80p per member
In the near future we will be holding our AGM which requires the hire of a venue (we have outgrown the pub and competing with the Darts team is not ideal!) Cost of that about £1.40
So we are up to £10.60
Then the intention is to give every member a couple of stickers when the become a responder (never been able to afford it before) about £1
Then I have a plan for a comprehensive member's handbook in a ring binder; cost about £4
So we are now up to £15.60 per member
Yet our membership fee is only £10.
And then there are the further plans...
Training? which even at it's most basic level will require the hire of a venue.
Hi Vis vests for members for use in the summer
More uniform e.g. polo shirts, t-shirts
Fundraising equipment (display stands, an E-Z Up, collecting boxes) OK so if we raise money it will help but we will need a lot of these up front. And then they will need insuring against loss.