Dear All
Barely into 2018 and SE4X4R are already on our 4th callout of the year and we still haven't seen any of the snow that some of you have been fortunate enough to play in! we thought we would share a quick roundup of 2017.
last year was a very significant year for us, we have grown again in numbers and welcomed around 30 new responders, we have worked very closely with our partner agencies, local councils, kent search and rescue and strengthened ties with Kent Police, we've had great successes in raising our profile and most importantly funds which have allowed us to venture into the world of digital radio. Thanks to those closer relationships we are forging ahead with training to the point where Kent police run several courses specifically for us!
We were also the first volunteer group in the country to be granted limited road police powers under section 38 of the 2017 policing and crime act allowing us to close roads, direct traffic etc and as a direct result we were called out 59 times by our user agencies last year (up on 2016) covering just under 7000 miles on deployments.
Our events team have also had a busy year assisting events on behalf of local hospices, the Cancer research race for life runs, the walking for the wounded bike rides, the British heart foundation runs, walks and bike rides, Remembrance parades, firework events and many more.
2018 looks like its going to be another bumper year for us with the events diary filling up quickly, more fund raising opportunities on the horizon and as our skills set grows through training so does the demmand from our local force.
We would just like to take the opportunity to wish all of the network a happy new year , stay safe and enjoy the snow!