Have seen Bob on other sites and asked if there were any Response peeps arround the Southampton Hampshire area, that I could possibly join (to offset the boredome) he did sugest one, and also sugested I came and said hello here and take a look arround, I have a Range Rover P38, some may laugh it has its quirks but has never let me down :? yet. I am medically retired at 48 :( (but can still get arround) I used to look after a fleet of coaches and heavy plant, I like photography any 4x4 and my boat, unfortunately I cant launch it on my own and the last two times it has got to the water it has relied on a seagull outboard to get home, quite embarrasing with a 185bhp Merc inboard sat in it :roll: Oh I have five kids from my first marriage and inherited one with my second wife, but I love them all in a perculier sort of death wish way :shock: and I can talk for England sorry. :oops: