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Foxy1961 20-01-2010 11:01 PM

I'm not ready for any yet but it's best to be prepared so any info would be very much appreciated.

Is there a standard sticker for the logo ie colours / size?

Do individual teams get their own made or are they available from another source?

nigel leyland 20-01-2010 11:21 PM

You're team, you're choice of logo....get them made where ever you like....

However, teams that have formed since the conception of the National Network tend to use the same Orange and White rectangular "sandwich" background with their own text on it, and some teams have for various reasons have required a change in logo and have also adopted the same. Alasdair is, with the help of Mario, currently producing sets of logos for most of the teams.....can I suggest that if you think you will use the same that you ask Alasdair/Mario to sort you a set out, they will be provided in various sizes and file formats (zipped) and have the correct ratio/colours/font to match the national.

Also ask around for printers, suppliers.

Hope that's helpfull.


mattgreen 21-01-2010 03:55 PM

At Peak 4x4 we have used the logo created by Hertfordshire 4x4 Response - it's orange and red chequered so looks good in vehicles. I'll dig out a copy of the master doc and post it on the forum.

Foxy1961 21-01-2010 07:43 PM

Thanks guys! And Matt that'd be brilliant!........Very much appreciated

BobWessex 21-01-2010 10:28 PM

There is a wide variation of team logos

The Wessex Logo incorporates the emblems of the old West Saxon Kings,

Gloucestershire and Worcestshire have a "hill" logo.

4x4 Response North East have a 'compass rose'pointing to the North East.

It is a matter for each team but as has been said many of the newer teams are taking either the sandwich or battenburg as their base.

John Potts 21-01-2010 11:12 PM

Personally, I think the only thing that needs to be standard across the network is the 'Official' Responders' Stickers that are recognised as 'Official' by the user services.

Anything above that is just publicity or window dressing http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...DIR#>/wink.gif

mark avo 22-01-2010 09:26 AM

[quote name='mattgreen' date='21 January 2010 - 03:55 PM' timestamp='1264089311' post='10921']

At Peak 4x4 we have used the logo created by Hertfordshire 4x4 Response - it's orange and red chequered so looks good in vehicles. I'll dig out a copy of the master doc and post it on the forum.


BHC logo is also (heavily) based on the Herts one.

As it's only 2 colour it's quite cheap to print. Idea is that when printing onto hi vis it will only need 1 colour & a black box as either the yellow or orange of the hi vis will act as 1 of the backgound colours.

If you want one I should be able to change the text ( as long as it's ok with teh management) on ours & email, let me know



TimChilde 22-01-2010 12:55 PM

[quote name='John Potts' date='21 January 2010 - 11:12 PM' timestamp='1264115546' post='10966']

Personally, I think the only thing that needs to be standard across the network is the 'Official' Responders' Stickers that are recognised as 'Official' by the user services.

Anything above that is just publicity or window dressing http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...DIR#>/wink.gif


Where i would have said the exact opposite. Â*The only non-national thing needed is the 'local call sign / group' sticker - anything else is just window dressing.

It comes down to some people want a national group split into regions, and other want a regional group with affiliation to a national umbrella.

Of course, it's easier for me / West Mids as we had no previous identity to be worried about losing.

Simon Bentley 22-01-2010 01:08 PM

As far as I'm concerned and I'm sure the other trustees will agree there is no common signage at all.

Some groups use callsign stickers on their vehicles - some do not.

Some groups have adopted the "Responder Stickers" available through National (or artwork to produce your own) others have not - it is hoped that over time all groups might adopt these to form a common standard but at the moment there is no requirement.

TimChilde 22-01-2010 01:17 PM

Interestingly, and slightly connected, there is an article in this months Radcom magazine about how Raynet were unable to help during the adverse whether due to a lack of national coordination / control / stats etc. Â*And how the user bodies expected a national framework rather than shrapnel groups here there and, in some cases, not there!

Sounded a little familiar to me.

Simon Bentley 22-01-2010 01:34 PM

[quote name='TimChilde' date='22 January 2010 - 01:17 PM' timestamp='1264166247' post='10976']

Interestingly, and slightly connected, there is an article in this months Radcom magazine about how Raynet were unable to help during the adverse whether due to a lack of national coordination / control / stats etc. Â*And how the user bodies expected a national framework rather than shrapnel groups here there and, in some cases, not there!


This may well end up being a thread in its own right.

I think we have an advantage over Raynet in this because we have groups who's boundaries are pretty well aligned with statutory authorities, such as police authorities, Ambulance services, county councils etc. In the area covered by YL there are 10 or 20 local Raynets - though it has to be said their systems worked pretty well in response to the Cockermouth situation within hours they had plans ad staff in place for 24/7 manning of a number of stations in order to maintain comms if the critcial bridge (insert name lol) were to collapse and take the phone lines with it.

WarrenWE02 22-01-2010 01:37 PM

[quote name='TimChilde' date='22 January 2010 - 01:17 PM' timestamp='1264166247' post='10976']

Interestingly, and slightly connected, there is an article in this months Radcom magazine about how Raynet were unable to help during the adverse whether due to a lack of national coordination / control / stats etc. Â*And how the user bodies expected a national framework rather than shrapnel groups here there and, in some cases, not there!

Sounded a little familiar to me.


A little too familiar perhaps... http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...icon_e_sad.gif

I see one of the trustees has already voted with his feet - a great shame.

nigel leyland 22-01-2010 01:52 PM


It's not a matter of what people may think or persieve.....All, including the newer teams are autonomous, always have been and for sound reasons which we can go into on a dedicated thread if needs be. The National Network was set up to service the needs of the teams which are best served by one body again best dealt with elsewhere.....

How any group works has nothing to do with which logo it displays...it has to do with...well how it works!

I believe that the beginning of this year has quite clearly demonstrated that ALL the regional teams and the National Network have got it sorted correctly...unless anyone knows of an instance when the system didn't work, because I do not.

If Raynet had problems providing, I doubt changing their Logo will rectify the situation!!!


phil_shinyheed 22-01-2010 05:35 PM

when i was in the army i was proud of my cap badge, other regiments had their own but my regiments badge had history and tradition that made it special, i assume other regiments felt the same about theirs

this identity was part of what made everyone work as team, traditions and history, where the regiment came from gave new members into it a sense of pride and belonging

i'm proud to be a member of 4x4 response north east, proud of what we have achieved in the past, proud of the work we have done over a number of years to help charities, doctors, and the emergency services, proud of what we have become

we did this, not national 4x4 response, but us in the north east, other teams have done the same in other areas and will be proud of what they have done too

its good that as a national group we can exchange ideas and assist other groups, but its regional teams that do the work, attend the calls, put the hours and the miles in,

new members see what we have done and want to be a part of this, they see how it helps the local community, we need to keep group identities, we need people to want to help and be apart of their local team,

one identity, one logo, one brand will destroy the history of every individual regional team

i fail to see how this can ever benefit anyone,

i believe its up to every team to choose its own logo, and entirely up to them what they choose it to be , if they choose a national looking one thats their choice, if they already have one then they may feel the same as i do

if 4x4 response north east loses its logo, loses its identity, if it forgets the past, if it forgets the hard work that was and still is being done to move the club forward then i for one will disappear from the club at the same time as the logo does

fortunately i feel confident we will never be pressured into making such a mistake, and i'm sure i'm not the only member of any team to feel like this

Paul Johns 22-01-2010 05:40 PM

You've hit the nail on the Head, no-one is gonna make you change your Logo. http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...con_e_wink.gif

John Potts 22-01-2010 06:25 PM

Foxy1961 22-01-2010 11:48 PM

Well I certainly opened up a can of words with that one!......Thanks guys all your comments will be taken on board

Tony Ferrari 22-01-2010 11:53 PM


As mentioned the only "national" sticker in general use is this one, usually mounted in top nearside of windscreen and somewhere on the rear screen (Discoverys for instance have that handy "dip" in the bottom edge of the screen where they fit perfectly)


Im in the process of sourcing a new supply for these as we are currently out of stock.

Mike G7HEN 23-01-2010 09:03 AM

[quote name='TimChilde' date='22 January 2010 - 02:17 PM' timestamp='1264166247' post='10976']

Interestingly, and slightly connected, there is an article in this months Radcom magazine about how Raynet were unable to help during the adverse whether due to a lack of national coordination / control / stats etc. Â*And how the user bodies expected a national framework rather than shrapnel groups here there and, in some cases, not there!

Sounded a little familiar to me.


In Yorkshire the EPO at Gold control ask RAYNET to provided 4x4 for then. They did not want us or need us to provide any communications. I past the number to Simon at LY4x4R group because they do transport and we do communication and not all our 4x4 have business insurance as this is not needed for RAYNET use.

Groups on Bad Wx service.

Numerous RAYNET groups throughout the country have been active during the recent spell of bad weather.

On Saturday, January 9th, Eastbourne and Wealdon Group were called out by the Eastbourne and Hastings Hospital Trust's Emergency Planning Officer to provide a radio operator at the local District Hospital, with a similar request to the Hastings and Rother group for the Conquest Hospital. 17 members responded to the call.

During the period between 13:10 hours and 23:12 hours over 260 messages were passed, in excess of 75 people transported with the assistance of RAYNET, including a patient with broken ankle transported home to an exposed location on the coast which meant a detour of some miles get there and back. A patient’s wife was transported to Hurstwood Park Hospital some 40 miles away to be re-united with her husband who had been transferred earlier in the day, with radio communications being maintained for most of the journey.

Operations commenced again at 0600hrs on Sunday 10th January and over the next 17 hours, over 300 messages were passed in support of operations and a further 80 staff members were transported to and from the hospital. The group was assisted in its task by other organisations with 4x4 vehicles.

Don’t believe ever thing you read in Radcom

BobWessex 23-01-2010 09:38 AM

I think, that there will be a few false or inaccurate stories floating around after this winter; some good and some bad.

For instance I know of one report that a team near me wouldn't turn out - they had no-one left to deploy. I was also thanked for the work one of our members did near Minehead. The only snag is we didn't deploy to that area.

The main thing is that in the majority of areas all voluntary agencies pulled together to ensure that the important services were maintained.

Tony Ferrari 23-01-2010 12:05 PM

Sounds just like last February

In a meeting at work I was thanked by my director for helping out with the transport of District Nurses (My day job is with a PCT for those who don't know).

Funny thing was it wasn't us and to this day I still don't know who did transport them?

Simon-Loughborough 23-01-2010 03:37 PM

Hi when we do get some natioanl stickers yes please

thank you



[quote name='Tony Ferrari' date='23 January 2010 - 12:05 PM' timestamp='1264248310' post='11063']

Sounds just like last February

In a meeting at work I was thanked by my director for helping out with the transport of District Nurses (My day job is with a PCT for those who don't know).

Funny thing was it wasn't us and to this day I still don't know who did transport them?


Tony Ferrari 23-01-2010 05:11 PM

Still in the process of trying to find a good reliable source that gets the quality we want at the right price.

Will hopefully be able to post news soon.


robin-baldwin 23-01-2010 10:33 PM

In Rover Rescue we have always tried to ensure that all our members have a RAYNET connector (2 pin non-reversible power supply) fitted so that we can act as transport for RAYNET operators when necessary. All they need is a guttermount aerial (or mag mount on Disco or RR) to set up in our vehicles. When I first joined we were even issued with a gutter mount 1/4 wave aerial and I still have mine and carry it as a reserve.

TimChilde 23-01-2010 10:35 PM

Â*[quote name='robin-baldwin' date='23 January 2010 - 10:33 PM' timestamp='1264286004' post='11086']When I first joined we were even issued with a gutter mount 1/4 wave aerial and I still have mine and carry it as a reserve.


In the spirit of ham radio, I made my 1/4 wave gutter mount out of a coat hangerÂ* http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...on_mrgreen.gif

Pete Chambers 24-01-2010 09:51 PM

and i modified the original radio ariel, changed the feeder to it to rg58, and tuned it to length, scored it for future reference and that was nice and easy, cheap and covert lol and it works a treat

Patrick Molloy 25-01-2010 10:59 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Hi Tony. I use www.wheel-cover.co.uk for my cover -- dedicated graphices on a 33" BFG Mud. I've used them for ten years and ultra reliable,

Talk to Fred Cutler on 01284 725582 - he's also an old off-road person. They're interested in bulk or individual orders, though they may not be able to provide the graphics the Response org needs. definitely worth a chat with.



Tony Ferrari 25-01-2010 08:47 PM

Thanks Pat

Cut vinyl graphics are not a problem, I need someone who can produce decent printed stickers both internal and external that are a) the right colour b ) actually stick and c) don't cost the earth http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...on_mrgreen.gif

It is proving remarkably difficult to get all three http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...>/rolleyes.gif

Simon-Loughborough 28-01-2010 05:40 PM



Trouble is it is not on a jpeg so I can't add on here to show will try a photo to do the conversion

got it as a jpeg now but don't know how to put on here http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...IR#>/angry.gif

someone tell me how to add a pic please

Plus I would like to add a picture to my signiture and can't do that either http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...IR#>/blink.gif must be a age thing http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...IR#>/laugh.gif

mark avo 28-01-2010 07:19 PM

[quote name='Tony Ferrari' date='25 January 2010 - 08:47 PM' timestamp='1264452443' post='11219']

Thanks Pat

Cut vinyl graphics are not a problem, I need someone who can produce decent printed stickers both internal and external that are a) the right colour b ) actually stick and c) don't cost the earth http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...on_mrgreen.gif

It is proving remarkably difficult to get all three http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...>/rolleyes.gif


We've always used 'totally graphics' & have never had a problem with either quality or price.

Have a word with Pete as the club have just had a load done so he will be more up on price.

I guess sometimes you have a pay a bit more to get something worth having.

Russ laye 28-01-2010 11:28 PM

[quote name='mark avo' date='28 January 2010 - 07:19 PM' timestamp='1264706354' post='11342']

[quote name='Tony Ferrari' date='25 January 2010 - 08:47 PM' timestamp='1264452443' post='11219']

Thanks Pat

Cut vinyl graphics are not a problem, I need someone who can produce decent printed stickers both internal and external that are a) the right colour b ) actually stick and c) don't cost the earth http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...on_mrgreen.gif

It is proving remarkably difficult to get all three http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...>/rolleyes.gif


We've always used 'totally graphics' & have never had a problem with either quality or price.

Have a word with Pete as the club have just had a load done so he will be more up on price.

I guess sometimes you have a pay a bit more to get something worth having.


Give these guys a ring, say Russ Laye gave you their number.

My link

Tony Ferrari 29-01-2010 10:49 PM

[quote name='mark avo' date='28 January 2010 - 07:19 PM' timestamp='1264706354' post='11342']

[quote name='Tony Ferrari' date='25 January 2010 - 08:47 PM' timestamp='1264452443' post='11219']

Thanks Pat

Cut vinyl graphics are not a problem, I need someone who can produce decent printed stickers both internal and external that are a) the right colour b ) actually stick and c) don't cost the earth http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...on_mrgreen.gif

It is proving remarkably difficult to get all three http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...>/rolleyes.gif


We've always used 'totally graphics' & have never had a problem with either quality or price.

Have a word with Pete as the club have just had a load done so he will be more up on price.

I guess sometimes you have a pay a bit more to get something worth having.


Pete did mention them but a google search only comes up with a US Firm of the same name.

I have found mention of a Sussex based "Totally Graphic" but can't find a web site so far.

mark avo 30-01-2010 07:39 AM


Try TOTALLYGRAPHICS@BTCONNECT.COM but according to their ebay shop they are away at the moment http://stores.shop.ebay.com.my/Total...__W0QQ_armrsZ1

If you cant get thru, Terry has a direct line to them as they do all his company stickers & terry does like a sticker.

They have the copyright on the rip stickers with the text behind, also the classic 'f* up faries have struck again' plasters as well as many others.

You will have seen them at most of the land rover shows.

Tony Ferrari 30-01-2010 11:16 AM

I can see the problem now it's Total E Graphics!

TimChilde 30-01-2010 12:38 PM

Talking of stickers, but otherwise going a bit off topic......

I've been bought one of those humourous stickers to go in the window, but I'm struggling to find somewhere to put it. Â*It's the long one that says 'If you can read this, please turn me over' and you put it in the window upside down.

But here's my problem;

Back window - it will overlap the heater elements. Â*This can't be good.

Windscreen top - the normal place for Chav and Tracy stickers. Problem is on a Discovery that's the main part I look out of, so

Windscreen bottom, just above parked wipers - this would be so not in the way, all you can see through the bottom 10" of glass is bonnet - but I've got a feeling the MOT bods would have a fit. Â*Would it be legal there?

Any ideas??

Last resort is to double line it and put it in a rear side window, but I don't want to do that if I can help it.

Tony Ferrari 30-01-2010 03:51 PM

Most common place on a Disco is above the windscreen but I can understand if you don't want to stick it on the bodywork.

Having said that I had a Disco owners club url sticker on the paintwork above my rear door for the time I had my Disco 1 (about three years). Before I sold it I peeled it off and a quick polish is all it took to remove any sign it had been there.

As for legality I think you have to keep the area swept by the wipers clear but saying that it is impossible to fit a tax disc in the right place on a Defender without doing this.

jason naylor 31-01-2010 10:23 AM

[quote name='Simon-Loughborough' date='28 January 2010 - 05:40 PM' timestamp='1264700433' post='11331']



Trouble is it is not on a jpeg so I can't add on here to show will try a photo to do the conversion

got it as a jpeg now but don't know how to put on here http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...IR#>/angry.gif

someone tell me how to add a pic please

Plus I would like to add a picture to my signiture and can't do that either http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...IR#>/blink.gif must be a age thing http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...IR#>/laugh.gif


photobucket tutorial or you could use the upload attatchment at bottom of page.


TimChilde 31-01-2010 11:27 AM

Thanks Tony

I had assumed this was a window sticker (as they said "this is to put in you LR window") but on closer look I think it's a body work one - which changes it a little.

I'm going to see is it will fit along the read bumper - I think it may be a little long because of the rear lights in the bumper, but we'll see.

I don't like putting these on the paint as I've seen too many cars war 'ghost images' of GB stickers!!

jamie.read 31-01-2010 12:34 PM

sorry for hijacking this thread, but does anyone have any templates of stickers that i can send to the printers for prices please?

BobWessex 31-01-2010 01:16 PM

Not a hijack at all,

Jamie, first question is what have you decided on as a logo? If you haven't yet thought about/ decided a logo you could maybe use a local Tartan as a background.

We (national) don't provide anything other than the Orange stickers with "4x4 Response" in white.


The stickers which identify your local teams are normally made by your local sign company in which ever design you want, for instance both North East & North West teams use a compass rose, Wessex use the logo below and other teams use whatever takes their fancy.

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