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Simon-Loughborough 22-11-2009 01:57 PM

Leicestershire Response
Just a quickie I am a member of the Nottinghamshire DOC club but live in Leicestershire and from what I can see and read up on NOBODY covers Leicestershire and I will chat with Andrew and Roger etc at the next DOC meeting, But I am looking at setting up a Leicestershire Branch within the network, Does anybody have any concerns about this happening please post on here

Thanks for any input given to this matter in advance


Roger Bentley 22-11-2009 06:20 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Count me in, also a member of Nottinghamshire but actually in Leicestershire so happy to provide support if needed.

Jamie Owens 22-11-2009 07:30 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response

Good luck mate, any help that we can give you know where we are!

BobWessex 22-11-2009 07:50 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
[quote name="Roger Bentley"]Count me in, also a member of Nottinghamshire but actually in Leicestershire so happy to provide support if needed.[/quote]

There you go doubled your membership with one post :roll: :P

Jamie Owens 22-11-2009 11:59 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response

Simon is a good man and I do hope that he succeds with this I know he will put his heart and sole into it!

Tony Ferrari 23-11-2009 02:37 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
No problems with a group in Leicestershire, it is still up for grabs ;)

As I see it this is the latest level of coverage (apologies but exact coverage in Wales and Scotland are a bit of a guestimate).

BobWessex 23-11-2009 04:47 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
HOPEFULLY Shropshire and Staffordshire will soon be covered as we've had enquiries from both areas-- possibly the formation of one team or two adjacent ones will follow.

Jim Wallace 23-11-2009 05:54 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
West Wales should be covered as of Wednesday this week will update this post after meeting.

Chris C 23-11-2009 09:27 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
We are in Northants and will be neighbours..... there are a couple in our team that live in Leicestershire once you have more details and a pub meet I will post it on our site www.northants4x4.com if you PM me the detail

Simon-Loughborough 25-11-2009 06:25 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
This would be great I am only at the beginning and am going out with some flyers you try and gain more interest, I am going to get over to sibertoft off road centre next weekend 5th 6th Dec I mean plus will go into Market Harborough on the look then work my way back to Loughborough via a few more places. And then lets see from there.

Re Pub meet I will try to find one central of the county if I can and I will expect the meet to take part on a friday night as I can be away some nights with work, hope to be updating asap

manythanks again

[quote name="Chris C"]We are in Northants and will be neighbours..... there are a couple in our team that live in Leicestershire once you have more details and a pub meet I will post it on our site http://www.northants4x4.com if you PM me the detail[/quote]

Simon-Loughborough 25-11-2009 06:30 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Thanks for the interest so far will keep you all updated,

Going out 5th-6th Dec on a tour of the county looking for 4x4 in most of the towns and a couple of off road centre near by anf then I will be able then to start and sort a meeting which I will expect, to be on a friday night and I will look for a pub near the centre of the county

many thanks for you inputs so far more the better


Simon-Loughborough 26-11-2009 08:01 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
I have changed my user name as I feel the Dragonfly didnt look right hope you all understand

Bob forget the PM done it as I state in my signiture you are never to old to learn :lol:

BobWessex 26-11-2009 08:07 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Hi Simon,

You have a response but you can ignore that :lol:

Seriously though you are right, it does help to look professional. "image" goes a long way.

Simon-Loughborough 21-12-2009 06:22 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Well is there anybody out there then that might be interested in joining me in setting up the Leicestershire team

so far there is Roger, Myself, My Wife


Roger Bentley 21-12-2009 07:16 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Me thinks that Rik from South Leicestershire and Jonny Haines from Hinckley are interested if you want to PM them :D

nigel leyland 23-12-2009 12:01 AM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Get sorting out the groundwork now..........then you'll be up and running faster when the members start to come in.....you'll get plenty of support from surrounding groups.....just go for it and as most of us use one 4x4 forum or another we can all help spread the word as soon as you're ready.....

Best of luck.


jonny_hains 23-12-2009 05:34 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response

i'm definitely interested in joining. If there's anything u think i could help with just ask and i'll let u know.



Simon-Loughborough 23-12-2009 05:40 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Just a quick as got to go out for a while thank you for your interest and yes it is a goer I will keep you up to date and hope to sort a pub meet mid to late Jan, I am away from tomorrow until 30th so I will be on the QT for that period

many thanks again and there is another gent interest called Rik who hopefully should join us on here as well chat soon

[quote name="jonny_hains"]hi,

i'm definitely interested in joining. If there's anything u think i could help with just ask and i'll let u know.



Rik-Leicestershire 23-12-2009 08:38 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Don't think I've been called a Gent before !!!!!!!!!!

Keep me up to date, pleased to meet up.


Simon-Loughborough 23-12-2009 09:19 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
PMSL very good we are all gents sometime in our lifes or so I am told

as I said earlier I have started to sort the registion out, and then I will arrange a pub meet mid to late Jan as I would like Roger Bentley to be there he works off shore and is away over xmas I have his rota sheet so can check it out, Keep an eye on here as I would expect something from Roger over the next few days knowing him, Roger and I met the other week for a chat re the team and now there is you two Rik & Jonny we have enuff to go forward but that is enough for now Enjoy your Christmas and New year and we will sort early Jan 2010,

Many thanks again and please mention it to your mates if they have 4x4 all breeds excepted

chat soon


[quote name="Rik-Leicestershire"]Don't think I've been called a Gent before !!!!!!!!!!

Keep me up to date, pleased to meet up.


Roger Bentley 24-12-2009 07:46 AM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Hi Guys,

Happy Christmas to you all from the North Sea where we will be tracking Santa's journey overnight.....

Just for info I will be back home (weather permitting) from 31st Dec departing again on the 16th January for a further 2 weeks. If we are to having a little get together for the Leicestershire 4x4 Response team, can I suggest Friday 29th January or if earlier I could do the 8th January which maybe a little to early in the year for some.

Anyway I have taken the liberty of using National Callsign LE02 :shock: hope you don't mind :lol:

Now then where to get some nice lettering for the Jeep????

have a good one, Regards, Roger.

Simon-Loughborough 24-12-2009 10:48 AM

Re: Leicestershire Response
No problem at all re members Number (Roger)as me LE01 (( MEMBERSHIP NUMBERS TO BE GIVEN OUT FROM THE FIRST MEETING ONWARDS AS AND WHEN JOINING FEES ARE PAID))I think the 29th an would be good as give us a little more time to get the word about,

Team fee's paid and insurance fee's as well upto 10 members for a start confirmation sent to Tony re this.

Roger I will need a photo of you head and shoulders only Please so I can start to sort out the membership cards (Don't worry about it as I will bring camera to first meeting and do it from there) plus any other people that wish to join.

The first year joining fee's will be £23 break down being admin £5 covering membership card and possible stickers (i am looking into them already) where I can buy them in bulk shall I say and the balance goes towards insurance etc

I have spoken to the bank this morning and have got to arrange a meeting re opening an account (name to be confirmed) hopefully leicestershire4x4response. Trish my wife does not want to be in the call out group but is willing to come to all meetings and take the minutes and try to look after the finances.for the team, But all this will be spoken about at the meeting,

I will be looking for somewhere to have the first meeting ie central to all concerned and at the minute it will be looking like west of Leicester area any suggestions please and if you now of somewhere please go and ask if they would be happy with us using them as a meeting place possibley on a monthly basis (leicester is more or less central to out county so somewhere around there would be good) Rik Jonny have you got any idea's please .

Rik & Jonny I could do with a PM both with your full contact details please and would you 2 like to try and sort out a meeting place between you ????

Well to this end I will wish you all a merry xmas and chat from the 30th onwards as I am away from dinner today,

Thanks for your input and forth coming help in this project.


Roger Bentley 28-12-2009 07:22 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Ladies and Gents we now have a Leicestershire Usergroup for you to join and post all relevant items too. This can be found by going to the User Control panel and selecting the group from the user group listing given.

At the moment we have 3 definite group members and 2 very likely's with our first meeting scheduled for the end of January 2010.

More updates as we progress.

Regards, Roger.

Paul Wright 28-12-2009 07:43 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
I've just joined the Leicestershire group... Watching and reading with great interest :)

BobWessex 28-12-2009 08:03 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
[quote name="Paul Wright"]I've just joined the Leicestershire group... Watching and reading with great interest :)[/quote]


Can you PM me the names of any members of Leicestershire 4x4 Response, I'll set their access accordingly

As Roger says if members could amend their profile to show the right team that would be a help.

Simon-Loughborough 30-12-2009 07:41 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Hi Paul and thanks for the interest as you can see I have only just got this off the ground so all the help I can get the better, I have Roger on board with me (long story to be told off the boards) but as you can see there is a couple of others interested Jonny & Rik now they have been asked to try and find a pub where we can meet on the 29th Jan If you would like to contact them and between you try to sort that would be great. As I have so much too do re registering the club etc it would take some weight off my shoulders please PM them direct from the main thread

chat soon stay with us we will get there very soon:

Simon Dale


[quote name="Paul Wright"]I've just joined the Leicestershire group... Watching and reading with great interest :)[/quote]

Simon-Loughborough 31-12-2009 10:02 AM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Hi Rik got your email thank you I am unable to send you all the details as not heard from Jonny as of yet.with his details but Jonny could be away like Roger is but due home anyday now.

I would like if possible for you to PM Jonny & And Paul re the sorting but put on here all details so everybody can read, ie anybody watching this thread who might be interested, but not come forward as of yet, Plus it will help to get the word about



Rik-Leicestershire 31-12-2009 10:45 AM

Re: Leicestershire Response
PM's sent to Paul & Jonny


Simon-Loughborough 31-12-2009 10:57 AM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Hi all just to keep you upto date just been speaking to Bank re account (membership fees and donations received) and should be open within the next few weeks as soon I receive it via the post


Roger Bentley 06-01-2010 02:31 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
I have been in touch with the Leicestershire Local Resilience Forum and advised them of our presence.

Reply from below from David Powell

Mr Bentley

In response to your inquiry, Leicestershire County Council Emergency

Management / LRF Resilience Team operates a voluntary scheme for 4x4

drivers who are willing to assist in an emergency. We currently have 47

volunteers on our dbase covering most areas of the County. It could be

quite possible that some of your Response Team are already on our list.

Our volunteers are normally available to assist in any emergency,

including getting aid to vulnerable people in present weather


We would be happy to hold contact details of any other 4x4 groups who

would be willing to volunteer their services.


David Powell

Resilience Officer

So do any our merry band already reside on this list of 47 volunteers??

Rik-Leicestershire 06-01-2010 03:17 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response

I do now remember seeing something in the Lutterworth Library noticeboard, but it was about 2 years ago before I had my Disco, so I didn't take much notice.

It could be awkward though if they prefer to use their own list rather than get into service agreements etc.

Could be worth pointing out all the benefits as Alasdair has said, national body, training, additional resources, insurance

Perhap we could recruit a few if we knew who they were ??


Jamie Owens 06-01-2010 03:20 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Hi Roger

I must agree with Alisdair, there is also the issue of insurance, who co-ordinates these so called volunteers? who calls them out? who checks their Road Tax, MOT & Insurance? What back up do they have, if you would like some letters of thanks to show what we are capable of then I will willingly scan them in for you to show your County Council.

Simon-Loughborough 07-01-2010 02:58 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Hi all and thank you for the response on the thread re documents yes please email me matie as Roger will be off to the north sea soon I think. I have had an email from the local landy club today and he has mentioned he is part of the so called team and there has not been much action. insurance might one of the reasons so please forward doc's and I will take this one up.

Rik any joy with a pub yet mate I bumped into Jonny at the mud club tues night and he said about the pub on the A47 near desford cross roads . Can't remember the name of it chat with Jonny.

Rik-Leicestershire 07-01-2010 04:26 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response

The one Jonny is thinking of is the Bulls Head, Hinckley Road, LE9 9JE, its a nice Everards pub. I shall wander up there to check it out over the weekend. If all is well I will post up the full details with links etc.

I asume we are still aiming for the 29th ??


nigel leyland 07-01-2010 05:05 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
I think I would reply back to the Resilience Forum explaining that you are opperating under National Response best practices and ALL your members are called out in accordance with prescribed protocols, should they need any assistance please call the the team controller on XXXXXXXXX. We currently have X units available locally and a further XXXX available from other regional groups of the National 4x4 Response Network, all of which are trained and assessed before deployment, and covered by liability insurance.

Then they can do what they like..... :lol:

And then you can carry one building your team and contacting local authorities etc.


Simon-Loughborough 07-01-2010 06:49 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
yep 29th 7.30 for a 8pm start good for me

[quote name="Rik-Leicestershire"]Simon,

The one Jonny is thinking of is the Bulls Head, Hinckley Road, LE9 9JE, its a nice Everards pub. I shall wander up there to check it out over the weekend. If all is well I will post up the full details with links etc.

I asume we are still aiming for the 29th ??


Simon-Loughborough 07-01-2010 06:52 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
agrred I will try to make contact tomorrow thanks for all the advice on this one as well

[quote name="nigel leyland"]I think I would reply back to the Resilience Forum explaining that you are opperating under National Response best practices and ALL your members are called out in accordance with prescribed protocols, should they need any assistance please call the the team controller on XXXXXXXXX. We currently have X units available locally and a further XXXX available from other regional groups of the National 4x4 Response Network, all of which are trained and assessed before deployment, and covered by liability insurance.

Then they can do what they like..... :lol:

And then you can carry one building your team and contacting local authorities etc.


Roger Bentley 07-01-2010 07:25 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
I'm still here until next Wednesday, weather permitting, could be a long drive to Aberdeen in the Jeep though!!!

Thanks for the responses to my previous post, Simon is now on the case, been a busy boy has Simon, keep it up mate :)

nigel leyland 07-01-2010 09:58 PM

Re: Leicestershire Response
I'm sure he is extremely busy, but, and I think many will concur here.......regardless of how busy you think you are....your not yet!, but you will be! :lol:

Keep pushing on, you're getting there....


Madmatt130 08-01-2010 11:26 AM

Re: Leicestershire Response
Morning all,

I met Simon last night as he was good enough to come along to Loughborough Land Rover Clubs monthly meet, I am very keen to get involved in the Leicestershire group as are a few others there are 4 or 5 of us hopefully attending the meeting on the 29th.

As a club we have long been registered on Leics CC's LOADER scheme as they call it and up until last year had never been contacted by them. It has allways struck me that this database although updated annually is in actual fact a 20odd year old idea from back when things were far more laid back. Rightly or wrongly I remember reading that volunteers that were registered were covered by the councils PL insaurance but having never actually gone out for them I wouldn't know for definate. Due to my employers I have several off road driving qualifications and winching courses under my belt but they have never asked for a copy of these or even my driving licence or MOT Cert!

I am a firm believer that the Leics 4x4 response group is the way forward LCC might be slow and unwilling to get involved at the moment but at the end of the day that will be their loss and will probably soon change their tune when they see how profesional the group is when it starts working with other agencies.

I'd be intersted to hear how some of the other groups got on when they first started communicating with organisations?

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