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BobWessex 18-10-2009 05:10 PM

Re: Greetings from Darmain
Hi Dave you have a brief PM, if things change and you later feel that you have the time you'll be more than welcome

Darmain 11-01-2010 11:29 PM

Re: Greetings from Darmain
Hi People,

Darmain is back!!

I applied to join back in September last year. The application process was running a little rough at the time (I see improvements have been made :P ). Then we had a significant potential health problem in the family, that threatened to turn everything on its head. It was a really scary time and I realised I was needed at home and so until I knew where everything was heading I decided it was best not to make commitments elsewhere.

Well I'm pleased to say, following several hospital visits, that all is now well and normal life has resumed in our household. I'm sure you will appreciate how grateful we all are for that.

Well, the current weather conditions reminded me of all the groups dedication to help out. I've been watching the Wessex website and see that its all hands to the pump kind of thing. I've been helping out family and friends in the Hippo, which has proved itself to be a formidable machine on snow and ice. It seemed to me that perhaps I could still be of use.

I've been in contact with Dave Roberts with the intention of joining the local guys at one of their meets. I want to get my head back round what is involved and how things work before I start filling in forms again. After that then I hope to be able to join you all.

I see there is another person for Chipenham that has joined so I'm sure they will appreciate some help. Besides, I have cut my dashboard up to fit this CB kit. May as well make some use of it. :lol:

BobWessex 11-01-2010 11:36 PM

Re: Greetings from Darmain
Hi Dave,

You might find that recruitment is back to a little rough again I'm afraid, due to the number of applications in the last week. We have received 38 applications since last Tuesday, which will take a little time to process

Darmain 11-01-2010 11:42 PM

Re: Greetings from Darmain
Hi Bob,

38 applications!! Crickey, that sounds like good news. Do you need more? I mean I'd like to make myself useful but only if I am needed.

DaveRoberts 11-01-2010 11:45 PM

Re: Greetings from Darmain
However you will get the local processing sorted fairly quickly ;)

You know where the forms are mate and I'm sure I have a copy of the Dorset Police form on my HDD somewhere :D

Now, whose round is it??? :lol:

BobWessex 11-01-2010 11:47 PM

Re: Greetings from Darmain
Dave, the more we have the less the work load so "yes please".

Darmain 11-01-2010 11:47 PM

Re: Greetings from Darmain
Just tell me where and when Dave!! :P

DaveRoberts 11-01-2010 11:48 PM

Re: Greetings from Darmain
[quote name="BobWessex"]Hi Dave,

You might find that recruitment is back to a little rough again I'm afraid, due to the number of applications in the last week. We have received 38 applications since last Tuesday, which will take a little time to process[/quote]

Crikey :o ..... I think we better organise a mass interview at the Cavalier, Devizes LOL

stephendrabble 12-01-2010 06:20 AM

Re: Greetings from Darmain
sort out a day, Ill go see about the room !!!

however I'm sorry to say i don't know the postcode for the pub!

but as I can see the PUB from my house I'm sure mine will be good enough..

SN10 3EH. if you can see the pub, me thinks you shouldn't be driving

DaveRoberts 12-01-2010 08:02 AM

Re: Greetings from Darmain
Same street, same postcode ;)

DaveRoberts 12-01-2010 08:18 AM

Re: Greetings from Darmain
Apart from this weekend, where I am free, the next date I can be available is Sat 30th before 6pm (in work at 7pm) for a group docs check.

BobWessex 12-01-2010 08:45 AM

Re: Greetings from Darmain
Guys, before you get carried away with checking new members PLEASE ensure that John T is up to speed, he has a large number of applications to process.

DaveRoberts 12-01-2010 09:12 AM

Re: Greetings from Darmain
True....... sowweeeee


5th Feb, 8pm, Cavalier Pub, Devizes.,,, :D

Darmain 16-01-2010 06:31 PM

Crikey, just spotted the edit there Dave, February before we meet. Thats a shame. Perhaps we can meet sooner and less formally if poss. What about Stephen also as you two seem (from my perspective) to be the two local boys. Your job is to get me to join!! http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...on_e_smile.gif

Darmain 17-01-2010 09:38 PM

I have a question.

What arrangements do people have with thier employers regarding call outs?

I sent an email to our HR officer and explained 4x4R to them. I pointed out that for small scale call outs during work time then it is clear that I can not respond. However, if there was a big incident such as the floods in Gloucestershire then there maybe more of a need to be away during work time. What, I wanted to know, was the companies policy on this. I have been met with silence with regard to this email, which is not untypical for her, or HR people in general.

Then I spoke to a collegue that rides a "Blood bike" and his view was that the company frowns on such involvements. He gets no support at all. Well, that kind of puts it in perspective I suppose.

I just wondered how this sort of thing works with those of you that are members.

Still intend to join though so no worries there. Got to have a life outside of work, that I firmly believe.

Teresa Herefordshire 17-01-2010 10:41 PM

[quote name='Dave Sawyer' date='17 January 2010 - 09:38 PM' timestamp='1263764315' post='10579']

I sent an email to our HR officer and explained 4x4R to them. I pointed out that for small scale call outs during work time then it is clear that I can not respond. However, if there was a big incident such as the floods in Gloucestershire then there maybe more of a need to be away during work time. What, I wanted to know, was the companies policy on this. I have been met with silence with regard to this email, which is not untypical for her, or HR people in general.


I checked with my Personnel Dept who said they are looking into the policy for volunteers. In the meantime, take any time off as holiday or flexitime. Last week I chose the days I knew would be quiet in work to register as available for responding. But usually if it's bad enough for us to be on call outs they will have sent us home anyway. On the first bad snow day, I went into work and was called out at 9am so took it as holiday. Hardly anyone else made it into work - I assume they didn't take it as holiday! As I work flexitime I can make it up at other times so not too much of an issue unless we had a long term situation - which was starting to happen with the snow - 10 days of call outs.

One thing I did though was to let them know if they needed help in getting staff home I would be available for that - and offered to bring one of the directors in to work! Hopefully that will go in my favour! http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...>/rolleyes.gif And it is good PR for the organisation if they support this sort of thing.

BobWessex 17-01-2010 10:47 PM

I am fairly lucky that my employer views us in the same light as the RNLI, Special Constables, Retained Firefighters & similar, in fact after a brief write up in the internal mag last winter they have been runniing a series on "those who volunteer" featuring all those roles that I have mentioned and several others. The general view is that if an employee is likely to go out of his way to help the community he is likely to have a similar attitude to work. They are fully aware of my role at both national and local level and seem to have no issues with it.There have been occasions when they've asked when I'm going to leave for a 'shout'. The biggest problem from my point of view is just to ensure that I don't run out of'holiday' -some holiday- otherwise I have to take it as unpaid leave. There've also been occasions, Pandemic Flu for instance, when thay've asked me for the latest info as they know that I have easy access to some documents that they don't

On the Wessex site we have a proforma letter that can be sent to employers - I am conscious that we mustn't take the mcikey, so usually discuss anything likely to last more than a day or two.

TimChilde 17-01-2010 11:58 PM

I work as a trainer - so it kinda helps if I'm there at the same time as the students http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...icon_e_sad.gif

The only down side to my job is the inflexibility.

WessexMario 18-01-2010 03:43 PM

Hello Dave from sunny Chippenham (as you live there you'll know I'm fibbing) http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...>/rolleyes.gif


Darmain 18-01-2010 08:52 PM

Hi Mario,

You were fibbing anaw. When I got home there was no sun, in fact it was dark. I'm most disappointed!! http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu..._e_biggrin.gif

Darmain 06-02-2010 04:56 PM

Hi People,

Well, here's the news. I went along to the local meet in Devizes last night and meet some Wessex members and some other potential members. We had a good chat and a good evening. Lots of things discussed and lots of questions answered. So, am I still sat on the fence? Well, no. The application form is submitted and off we go. Looking forward to this.



BobWessex 06-02-2010 06:05 PM

Tony Ferrari 07-02-2010 05:47 PM

Welcome Dave!

That took a bit of time but nice to see you finally made it.

And as for that original question about the suitability of a Freelander, well what do you think....


stephendrabble 07-02-2010 06:45 PM

Hi Dave, great news paper work is in..

not all we need is some thing to do..

maybe well meet up some time

Darmain 07-02-2010 07:42 PM

Thanks very much chaps. It took a while for various reasons but mainly, and recently, because I wanted to make sure that I knew exactly what I was letting myself in for and to be sure I could fit this into both my life at home and work and into the lives of my family. The answers are all there now. The only real way to find out for sure is to do it.

Well, to Steve's message, I suspect I will be seeing you sometime. When's the next pub meet for a start? http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu.../icon_razz.gif

To Tony's message. That looks very much like my FL. I found its handling of the snow and ice as just outstanding. I took the step of taking it places that would otherwise have been inaccessable in a normal road car, namely the little lanes on steep hills that had seen little traffic and were covered in snow and ice. With careful driving it handling was spot on. I know the Freelander is considered by some to be not a proper Landrover, and it is true that the Discos, Rangys and Defenders are better in the really rough stuff. However, from my contributions to another forum on Landy's I get the impression that the severe weather, while on road, conditions is where the FL really shines.

What I have not discovered yet is how deep a snow fall it can handle.... http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...>/icon_eek.gif

Okay, so now that I've started the joining process I had a think about equipment that I should kit the car out with. I already have a small first aid kit on board (having children warrants this) and I've recently refurbished that so its a good start. When the snow first arrived I invested in a reasonable tow strap, a 15 ft strap rated at about 900Kg. Not massive but good enough for most things. It was just in case I came across anyone that was in trouble. As it turned out I didn't, but I was prepared. I've also got a reasonable rechargable working light and a 80 channel CB.

Now, things I am considering investing in, in some sort of order of priority are:

Fire extingusher.

Basic HAM license.

2m radio system.

Second set of hubs, fitted with reasonable all terrain tyres. Not quite so necessary and dependent on money.

The HAM license and kit is based on a conversation at the meeting last Friday, where it was suggested that CB was next to useless. Now I have a technical background and although radio is not my strong point, I have dabbled in years gone by, So I do recognise that the 2m system is superior in range. A friend of mine is a HAM and I've seen what his kit can do. The question I have is this. Is the CB (which I did buy exclusively for 4x4 response) actually useless? I'm going to leave it in the car as its short range operation is okay and more people are likely to have one. However, is the 2m rig a good investment? I don't mind spending a bit to help but I don't want to two radios that have no real use.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome. http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu..._e_biggrin.gif

Many thanks,


stephendrabble 07-02-2010 07:47 PM

[quote name='Dave Sawyer' date='07 February 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1265571770' post='11811']

Well, to Steve's message, I suspect I will be seeing you sometime. When's the next pub meet for a start? http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu.../icon_razz.gif Dave


you know where the pub is..

text me, ill pop along! any day after 8pm..

easy. thats sorted now!

BobWessex 07-02-2010 09:36 PM

[quote name='Dave Sawyer' date='07 February 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1265571770' post='11811']

Thanks very much chaps. It took a while for various reasons but mainly, and recently, because I wa

Okay, so now that I've started the joining process I had a think about equipment that I should kit the car out with. I already have a small first aid kit on board (having children warrants this) and I've recently refurbished that so its a good start. When the snow first arrived I invested in a reasonable tow strap, a 15 ft strap rated at about 900Kg. Not massive but good enough for most things. It was just in case I came across anyone that was in trouble. As it turned out I didn't, but I was prepared. I've also got a reasonable rechargable working light and a 80 channel CB.

Now, things I am considering investing in, in some sort of order of priority are:

Fire extingusher.

Basic HAM license.

2m radio system.

Second set of hubs, fitted with reasonable all terrain tyres. Not quite so necessary and dependent on money.

The HAM license and kit is based on a conversation at the meeting last Friday, where it was suggested that CB was next to useless. Now I have a technical background and although radio is not my strong point, I have dabbled in years gone by, So I do recognise that the 2m system is superior in range. A friend of mine is a HAM and I've seen what his kit can do. The question I have is this. Is the CB (which I did buy exclusively for 4x4 response) actually useless? I'm going to leave it in the car as its short range operation is okay and more people are likely to have one. However, is the 2m rig a good investment? I don't mind spending a bit to help but I don't want to two radios that have no real use.


Dave, don't buy a radio yet before you get the licence wait to we next have some training sessions set up.

Re the CB always worth having as they are absolutely invaluable for short range vehicle to vehicle (convoy) comms leavng the 2 metre band free for vehicle to control commsunications.

stephendrabble 07-02-2010 09:43 PM

hi, talk to JIM at http://www.4x4cb.com/

Very helpfull, got me sorted CB wise..

Pete was going to looking getting some radio training sorted. so hopefully a few can get our licence sorted

nb.. not sure hoe Mrs will like the idea of another arial though...

Darmain 07-02-2010 11:35 PM

[quote name='stephendrabble' date='07 February 2010 - 09:43 PM' timestamp='1265579004' post='11821']

hi, talk to JIM at http://www.4x4cb.com/

Very helpfull, got me sorted CB wise..

Pete was going to looking getting some radio training sorted. so hopefully a few can get our licence sorted


Hi Steve, Got the CB already and all fitted and working. It was the suggestion it was no use that had me scratching me head.

[quote name='stephendrabble' date='07 February 2010 - 09:43 PM' timestamp='1265579004' post='11821']

nb.. not sure hoe Mrs will like the idea of another arial though...


Tell her the porkupine look is in this year.... http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...on_mrgreen.gif

Darmain 07-02-2010 11:43 PM

[quote name='BobWessex' date='07 February 2010 - 09:36 PM' timestamp='1265578596' post='11819']

Dave, don't buy a radio yet before you get the licence wait to we next have some training sessions set up.

Re the CB always worth having as they are absolutely invaluable for short range vehicle to vehicle (convoy) comms leavng the 2 metre band free for vehicle to control commsunications.


Hi Bob, My thoughts exactly. I was trying to verify the need for 2m. If its useful then I'll go for it so please count me in on the training.

And sorry to Pete C, who when he asked if I wanted training I replied "No". In retrospect, that was definately the wrong answer.

Lets hope I don't get the bug and end up with a serious array in the back garden. http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...on_mrgreen.gif

That'll take some explaining to the wife!! http://www.4x4response.info/forum/pu...R#>/unsure.gif

stephendrabble 08-02-2010 05:50 AM

im up for any training.

just fitting it in around life is the hard part

Darmain 08-03-2010 01:12 PM

Latest news. Been to the induction in Sherborne, which was really interesting and useful. Now got the CRB interview tomorrow evening. Sorted!! :)

stephendrabble 08-03-2010 01:14 PM

Whos that with Dave?

Darmain 08-03-2010 01:15 PM

That'll be Russ L!!

stephendrabble 08-03-2010 01:44 PM

thats cool, save you coming ove to Devizes again..

Darmain 08-03-2010 03:21 PM

Well, true, but I have to go to Farley Wick instead. :D

Whens the next meet then Steve, anything planned?

stephendrabble 08-03-2010 08:08 PM

not that i know of..

but if you want to pop over i can always make that LONG walk to the pub... any time

Teresa Herefordshire 09-03-2010 12:43 AM

Hard life innit Steve ...;) Maybe you need to move the pub a bit nearer.

stephendrabble 09-03-2010 06:54 AM

lol, no thanks!

its close enough, to be nice. and far enough away so we done hear kicking out time..

would take loner to open the car start it and reverse out the drive than it would to walk.

Darmain 09-03-2010 11:14 PM

Well, that the next hurdle cleared. I had my interview at the Fox & Hounds at Farley Wick near Bath. Many thanks to Russ for doing the honours. Now lets see if Mr Plod is happy with me :D

Put it this way, if he turns up something I'll be the first to be surprised!! :)

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