View Full Version : Hello from Gloucestershire!

Alex Eacock
08-10-2018, 06:55 PM
Hello everyone,
Joined the forum recently and me and the other half are looking to become responders.
We live in North Gloucestershire just south of Malvern where Worcestershire, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire converge, so would be happy to help out in any or all of these, as we can be in any of them in a very short time.
We have a Disco TD5 and have done some basic off roading courses with Protrax, so a very small amount of basic knowledge to start!
If anyone could point us in the right direction to get started, that would be great.
Look forward to meeting/hearing from you all soon!

Kind regards


08-10-2018, 10:23 PM
hi welcome along
your posts are moderated until you join a group, im sure a rep will be along to help you out, in the mean time the toolbar on the right of page has group register you can go to your area and there should be a link.
posts are approved as fast as poss so please bare with it
again welcome.

10-10-2018, 05:34 PM
Hi Alex,
Check out Gloucestershire & Worcestershire 4x4 Response at <www.gw4x4r.co.uk> or seek info at <enquiries@gw4x4r.co.uk> then apply for membership at <membership@gw4x4r.co.uk>.
See you soon!
Jerry G

Alex Eacock
10-10-2018, 08:04 PM
Hi Jerry,
Nice to hear from you!
I looked at the gw4x4 site a few months back but it said that you were no longer taking on volunteers, do you know if that is still the case?
Happy to help in that area if you'll have us!
Also, just tried the site and I can't seem to get it to load, is it broken or is it me being stupid as usual?!
Or is it easier for me to just send off for membership?
Sorry for all the questions!

Kind regards


10-10-2018, 08:24 PM
Hi Welcome to the group - hope you link up with your local group soon.

11-10-2018, 01:32 PM
Hi Alex,
We are currently setting up a new Web Site and it appears gw4x4r.co.uk took you to the old site. Work in progress! That site did indeed say we were not recruiting but I'm afraid that was posted some time ago. We are indeed now recruiting and recently have had up to 30 enquiries!
So as you say it will be easier to contact membership@gw4x4r.co.uk direct and our Membership Officer will send you details. He is in the middle of moving house just now so please be patient if he does not respond immediately, but I will mail him and give him a heads up that you wish to apply. We do have the usual Facebook and Twitter accounts which you may wish to browse. Any problems PM me through this site. Cheers for now.

Alex Eacock
11-10-2018, 10:33 PM
Hi Gareth and Jerry!
Firstly, thanks for the warm welcome, very kind of you both and I am looking forward to becoming part of the response network.
I will contact the membership officer and see how I go, I don't do social media, email is as advanced as I get, so I'll have to wait to find out all the details.
Many thanks again!

Kind regards
